Wednesday 22 May 2013

abdominal Exercises

Purpose of the exercise
This training exercise refines and tones waistline if you work with your body weight. He developed abdominal if you use a ballast increasingly heavy.

muscles targeted
The crunch is seeking the rectus abdominals and obliques.
The rectus or "chocolate", is part of the abdominal wall with oblique and transverse. The action of the rectus is trunk flexion.

Execution of the exercise
Starting position lying on the floor or on a bench, lumbar glued down. The legs can be bent on the chest, resting on a bench or form a 90 degree angle with your feet on the ground.
Wrap the torso forward by contracting the abdominals and lower back keeping glued to the ground.
Return to the starting position should be performed smoothly, maintaining the contraction and tension in the muscle. The execution speed is slow and steady. You can place a weight on the chest, a slice of melting or a barbell to add difficulty to exercise.

Inspiration early movement when the chest is opened. Blow by executing the movement.

Avoid placing your hands behind your head, because often it is using it to exercise when you block, this can lead to cervical problems. The easiest way is to keep your hands on the temples or on the chest.
Do not take off the lower back, and the very small amplitude is not removed effectively to exercise.
You have to work your feet are not locked, tight and knees apart, and this limits the activity of hip flexors, iliopsoas and rectus femoris, and avoids many back problems.

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